Company Structure
Swiss Rockets AG
Swiss Rockets Medical Group AG
Swiss Rockets Inc
Commercial Activities

Swiss Rockets
AG, Switzerland


Swiss Rockets has established collaborations with Canton Basel-Stadt and its prestigious research institutions, including the University of Basel, the University Hospital Basel, and Swiss TPH.

Research Infrastructure

The enhanced research infrastructure has allowed Swiss Rockets to conduct cutting-edge research in various fields and stay at the forefront of innovation.

State-of-the-Art Laboratory

Swiss Rockets has gained access to state-of-the-art laboratory space and cutting- edge equipment through these collaborations.

Summary of
Main Subsidiaries

Rocketvax AG

Problem being addressed

Infectious diseases (e.g. COVID, MERS), cancer

Our solutions

Vaccines that provide much superior efficacy with an easier nasal application.


Problem being addressed

Cancer treatment:

  • Metastatic head & neck cancer
  • Metastatic prostate cancer
  • Non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Brain cancer (GBM)

Surgery not an option due to advanced stage. Traditional chemotherapy is toxic and effective for certain period.

Our solutions

Existing treatments are effective for only a minority of patients, with their efficacy waning after a few months due to cancer cells evolving and evading treatment.

Torqur’s therapy:

  • Precisely targets cancer cells, halting rapid growth and sugar supply for enhanced efficacy.
  • Adopts an innovative intermittent dosing schedule, ensuring a safe treatment profile.
  • Penetrates the brain, directly addressing brain cancer and metastases, a critical unmet need.


Problem being addressed

Cancer treatment:

  • Metastatic prostate cancer
  • Gastroenteropancreatic NET

Due to its location and advanced stage, surgery is not possible. Surgery not an option due to advanced stage. Traditional chemotherapy is toxic and effective for certain period.

Our solutions

Existing treatments are effective for only a minority of patients, with their efficacy waning after a few months due to cancer cells evolving and evading treatment.

Torpedo’s therapy:

  • Targets cancer cells precisely, improving the efficacy and minimizing side effects
  • 2nd generation therapy with superior radionuclide promises better results.
  • Improved effectiveness and safety enhance patients' quality of life.

Summary of
Main Subsidiaries


Problem being addressed

Our solutions

Rocketvax AG

Infectious diseases (e.g. COVID, MERS), cancer

Vaccines that provide much superior efficacy with an easier nasal application.


Cancer treatment:

  • Metastatic head & neck cancer
  • Metastatic prostate cancer
  • Non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Brain cancer (GBM)

Surgery not an option due to advanced stage. Traditional chemotherapy is toxic and effective for certain period.

Existing treatments are effective for only a minority of patients, with their efficacy waning after a few months due to cancer cells evolving and evading treatment.

  • Precisely targets cancer cells, halting rapid growth and sugar supply for enhanced efficacy.
  • Adopts an innovative intermittent dosing schedule, ensuring a safe treatment profile.
  • Penetrates the brain, directly addressing brain cancer and metastases, a critical unmet need.


Cancer treatment:

  • Metastatic prostate cancer
  • Gastroenteropancreatic NET

Due to its location and advanced stage, surgery is not possible. Surgery not an option due to advanced stage. Traditional chemotherapy is toxic and effective for certain period.

Existing treatments are effective for only a minority of patients, with their efficacy waning after a few months due to cancer cells evolving and evading treatment.

  • Targets cancer cells precisely, improving the efficacy and minimizing side effects
  • 2nd generation therapy with superior radionuclide promises better results.
  • Improved effectiveness and safety enhance patients' quality of life.

Rocketvax AG

Rocketvax utilizes proprietary reverse genetic engineering and molecular biology technologies (VIRUFLEXTM) to develop innovative, next-generation vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases. Rocketvax strategy is built upon 2 pillars.


Designing and developing
best-in-class vaccines.

Rocketvax expertise and technologies enable us to create vaccines that, we believe, will outperform any other commercial or in-development vaccine in several disease areas.


Developing an advanced technology platform specifically for vaccine design.

Primary goal is to leverage reverse genetic engineering expertise to create next-generation vaccines that significantly outperform existing options.

Rocketvax experts have carefully studied the competitive landscape and thoroughly analyzed various diseases to develop innovative vaccines using state-of-the-art technologies, with the aim of achieving a superior market position for Rocketvax products.

Torqur AG

Next-generation dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, oral and brain-penetrant drug as a targeted cancer therapy. Our most advanced product is called Bimiralisib.

  • Successful Phase 2 clinical trials with bimiralisib in solid tumors and lymphomas.
  • Bimiralisib is active in non-Hodgkin lymphomas, triple-negative breast cancer and brain tumors. Phase 2/3 clinical trials in head & neck cancers starting in Q1/2024.
  • Excellent safety profile of bimiralisib due to the novel intermittant dosing-schedule.
  • Gel-form application of bimiralisib shows strong preclinical activity in actinic keratosis, a dermatologic disease. Phase 2 clinical trials are starting in Q4/2023.
  • Preclinical efficacy in epilepsy with mTOR selective and brain-penetrant inhibitors.

Developing the next-generation targeted radiopharmaceuticals for cancer patients.

Harnessing Precision:

Our cutting-edge radiopharmaceuticals leverage precise targeting mechanisms, enabling personalized treatment strategies tailored to individual cancer patients.

Enhanced Efficacy:

By selectively delivering potent radiation directly to tumor cells, our next-generation radio-pharmaceuticals maximize therapeutic impact while minimizing damage to healthy tissues, leading to improved treatment outcomes and reduced side effects.

Theranostic Potential:

Bridging diagnostics and therapy, our innovative radiopharmaceuticals not only identify cancerous lesions with exceptional accuracy but also provide a potent means of treatment, paving the way for a more integrated and effective patient care approach.

Advancing Patient Well-being:

With their potential to revolutionize cancer management, our next-generation targeted radiopharmaceuticals offer hope for a future where precision medicine and improved quality of life converge for cancer patients worldwide.

A Swiss Rockets AG holding company subsidiary.

The company’s purpose is to incubate and accelerate biotech startups in Serbia and to support operationally the biotech companies from Swiss Rockets Group.


Commercial activities include pharmacy business and research and development services for national and international startup biotech companies.


The company works closely with the Serbian government to boost biotech innovation in Serbia and will expand its operational activities within the new biotechnology campus, Bio4 (

The company’s purpose is to incubate and accelerate biotech startups in Serbia and to support operationally the biotech companies from Swiss Rockets Group.


The company is focused on fostering innovation and growth in the Serbian pharmaceutical industry.


Swiss Rockets Serbia AG benefits also from the expertise and resources of Swiss Rockets AG to support its mission.